Magnificent Creations
Activity Club! ​
Our Manifest Your Magnificence Affirmation Cards have received outstanding praise for the benefits they've created for kids worldwide! Winners of the Seal of Excellence and Coaching Toys Products awards, these magnificent cards will inspire, transform and serve the kids in your life in more ways than one.
We're often asked, 'How do my kids get the most out of your cards?', and so we've created a fun, easy-to-use and 'family-centric' exercise guide for this most unique product. Please click the link below to receive this special gift from our heart to yours:
MYM Affirmation Cards- Exercise Guide
The above guide is designed to inspire you with different activities you can do with the kids in your life. Use it anytime you use our cards with your kids, and witness the positive transformation brought by these uplifting, accessible and breakthrough techniques!